Woven garments, woven rugs, interior items….often we associate this method of making with out of reach notions. We may all want to have as go on an industrial sized loom, yet how many of us will achieve that aspiration? Imagine though, if it could be made accessible, achievable whether you want to be a “loom traveller” or work from your home / studio.
Read MoreReflections, Echoes & Aspirations
Reflections, Echoes & Aspirations, by Jan Beaney & Jean Littlejohn
Book 27
Double Trouble enterprises
Post covid19, many suffered some form of emotional change. Did you use the change in circumstances to alter your life? Many did. I know that I became a lot better acquainted with my local area! For these artists and authors, instead of dwelling on the world climate, they centred their eyes towards their talent and used their gifts for good.
Read MoreDrawing For Interior Designers
s this publication only for those working in interior design? As an artist covering a variety of techniques, this book made me curious, as to its worth or sitting within my mixed media textiles leanings. However I throughly enjoyed its filled nature combining sketches and diagram with text alluding to building our drawing skills. This is obviously a book trying to reach out to the budding interior designer.
Read MoreHand-Painted Textiles
The title gives away the inside story - there is no cover story to confuse here. Campbell is an artist herself practicing within this field, she has become a brand and was working in tandem with her sister, until her sad early death. She is a professional, a key example of a designer who has made her artistic practice work as a sustainable career. She has written books before and with all her experience and back-knowledge in the field, a publication with matter is proffered.
Read MoreMaking and Drawing
Making and Drawing by Kyra Cane. Who is it for? I just love the mixed media multi faceted nature of this publication. As a mature student, I remember my old university lecturers bandying on about it. So yes, I went out and certainly purchased a copy.
Read MorePocket Book Of Knitting
From best-selling author and crafting queen Claire Gelder, this gorgeous mini guide is packed full of knitting know-how, practical illustrations and comes with four simple projects.
Read MoreThe Art Of Repair
In The Art Of Repair, the introduction is her personal story, the rest is all connected back to her personal story. Within The Art Of Repair, you will sense and read about many mending techniques; Kantha, Boro, Darning…they are all explained with true sense. But it is the writing around the methods which holds the magic.
Read MoreCreate Naturally
Create Naturally is a marriage between the natural word and the artists who work within them thematically. With fifteen artists showcased and a foreword by Kaffe Fassett, this book will inspire you to get outdoors before you begin your own creative pathway.
Read MoreCreative Flow
It holds vital creative information under the subject of creativity and building up up our confidence.
Read More3D Embroidery
This book has been well illustrated in a simplified format, with many hoops, which all feature the stitched required to create the projects or the projects themselves.
Read MoreA Knitters Year
A Knitter’s Year, written by Ida Wrak Trettevik, published by Search Press
This book is not your branded normal knitters companion, nor is it a basic exploration into knitting in general. With its relaxed, I felt “hygge’’ vibe, its attractive to all, including those like myself who are not experienced knitters by any means, yet wish to still create something wearable and have that push, that temptation to really “do” hit not just look at it on the printed page and imagine its fruition.
Read MoreAllies For Art: Work from NATO-related countries
Within the catalog, which is captured in full colour, you will discover the works of many artists, with a real message to bear. I felt that the exhibitions mixed sense of works each artist working in their own favoured materials refreshing. Not all of us can catch every exhibition, so that is where catalogs such as this one really come into their own.
Read MoreEmbroidered Crochet
Embroidered Crochet: Enchanting projects to crochet and embroider
We will have encountered Crochet in its many forms at some point; imagine your favourite granny, with her crochet blanket adorning her knee, however maybe you like I will be surprised to discover that there is a depth to this method…your Crochet creations do not have to stop at bland beautiful squares….why not decorate them with another textile art method: Embroidery?!
Read MoreThe Embroidered Closet
With a love of nature firmly within her heart, Alexandra Stratkotter writes The Embroidered Closet, marrying this thematic foundation with key embroidery projects and challenges.
Read MoreJapandi: shared aesthetics and influences
Japandi: shared aesthetics and influences
What is Japandi? We live in the era of self-care, we are encouraged to live by nature, become grounded, rooted, calmer individuals….Japandi is a marriage, where Japanese and Scandinavian aesthetics, where beauty is found within the simple, the natural, the raw and unrefined. Weight shifts towards the use of sustainable materials, embracing their imperfect state rather than a vie for perfection.
Read MoreCrowdsourcing the Collective: a survey of textiles and mixed media art
Crowdsourcing the Collective: a survey of textiles and mixed media art
Published by browngrotta arts
This forty artist strong publication was released to go with a beautiful exhibition held by browngrotta arts. Within this book, you will discover information on each artist and selected imagery of their work.
Read MoreOn Mending
On Mending
Stories of damage and repair
Celia Pym
Published by Hawthorn Press
What is mending to you and I? What can mending be? Become? Is there a greater narrative, one which centres on an integral human requirement, for the very survival of our souls and ongoing paths?
Read MoreA Flower A Day
What has flora and fauna get to do with art? A Flower A Day by Miranda Janatka is not a textile art book, yet its very nature can it fact, embroider our ongoing under-bed of inspirational resources which we use to translate the narrative of our own personal artistic practice. Use this richly illustrated thick hardback to guide you through the months, the seasons, making you aware of the greater world around you.
Read MoreSunny Stitches
Are you an embroidery newbie? This title , Sunny Stitches written by Celeste Johnston will help you to gain confidence as a stitcher. There are sixteen bright and beautiful projects, which are all artfully illustrated with plenty of guidance along the way. The artist has a large Instagram following, so many know her work already without reading this book.
Read MoreNeedlepoint: A Modern Stitch Directory
A turn of a year can be the right time for the embarkment of a new method or the polishing up of one we may be a little rusty on. Within Needlepoint, the author Homent guides us through the many needlepoint stitches out there to learn. With this variety showcase, all set out with large diagrams and photographs, this technique is set to tempt the beginner as well as the further experienced stitcher.
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