Marking Time with Fabric and Thread: Calendars, Diaries And Journals Within You Fiber Art
Tommye McClure Scanlin
I opened this book, expecting it to be an easy scan and review - you see, I have a pile of jobs to do and although I love a cover to cover submergence into the finer detail of the text, aesthetics and placement - I just havent the time. Well, I said. That was the plan.
I realise that on doing so, I would actually be being disrespectful to the author and publishing house. Naturally some art books are easier read than others. There are those where we get the expected, yet there will also always be the displacement from this rule. I am please to tell you that this book hits that nail.
Whitework Embroidery with Colour: Ten stunning projects with reusable iron-on transfers
Trish Burr
Search Press
This paperback guide, uses the traditional method of Whitework in a compemporary way.
The usual method of Whitework is of course, seen in white, usually with a coloured background so the thread and pattern stitched takes key view. But this can seem boring, a look best left for the historical or familial samplers of a bye-gone age. Burr here pledges to bring this method up to date.
Sew Your Own Nursery Rhyme Old MacDonald
Search Press
I am always honest within my reviews, yet I hope this never presses on too negative a thought. I said yes to my lovely contact at Search Press to review this title; however inside I had pre-judged it. Already it was twee, stupid and for those who were more “tacky”. I silently apologise to anyone this ever in my mind resembled, because I have well and truly been bitten by the farm bug, one which was inside of me in truth all along.
A Year of Quilting
A Block For Every Week
Debbie Shore and Melissa Nayler
Search Press
As a child, my mother began making me a crochet blanket….thirty years on, the pile of not-enough-yet squares lies in our families wooden chest. I live in hope that one day it will be finished….but when….what for? What will be the push? That is why this title appealed to me.
Twenty Knitting Patterns for Every Season
Maja Karlsson
When we think of knitting something, we generally will fixate first on one of two objects, a scarf or a cardigan. They are the objects of desire for anyone who wants comfort, reassurance and yes - warmth.
Explorations with collage
Merging Photographs, Paper, and Fiber
Wen Redmond
Schiffer Publishing
We live in a digital world, which can spoil so much traditionalism. However used correctly, it can flourish our lives and actually bring our art to another level visually.
There are so many illustrations throughout this book. That is the highlight for me. I am a reader, so I am looking at this from a teaching point of view. I want to read about a method, but I also want to visualise it. This book does both.
Embroidery and stitch can often be viewed as the practical, done for a reason, especially in by-gone times. However what if a stitch was for more than a stitch’s sake? For example, a stitch in time, saves nine….what about altering that well turned phrase to ‘a stitch in time, saves a mind?
I looked at this book and my first emotion was disappointment, yet I came away with the opposite view - Jessie this is wonderful, you have done it, you have managed what artists before you have lacked…you have kept you, no matter the learning, no matter the chances, thank you for not changing and instead giving us a way of having just a little part in your world - because you yourself, have your own as a treasure.
We live in a climate where we openly divulge our lives, our everyday, on such platforms as Instagram, Facebook….a ‘status’ often played with, to give another a reason to contact us - why are we sad? Why are we “feeling grateful”? Yet there are still some of us who may hint at the backstage behind the set of the theatre that is our very lives - there are others who hide it entirely. What am I getting at? Within Soulful Stitch, both authors have carefully chosen how they reveal and conceal the challenges, traumas and what could have been seen as brick walls - not used as excuses to not create; rather creating has been their way forward, a way of making sense.
Passementerie: Handcrafting Contemporary Trimmings, Fringes, Tassels, and More
Elizabeth Ashdown
Schiffer Craft
I cut my teeth as an early artist, working my way through all sorts of embroidery techniques. I remember the sessions at college, where we learned fringing, tassel making….the works - all directly from the tutor herself. I do not remember any “tassel, handwoven adornments” bible. Yes, if it is handwoven, traditional….taken into the contemporary…beautiful adornments you wish to create…..this is unique - there has been nothing like it ever, so its an exciting title to own.
The Essential Embroidery Stitches Card Deck
Choose from 50 versatile stitches
Betty Barden
Search Press
You may wonder why I am reviewing a…lets put it out there - a deck of cards - yes - within my weekly book review column. This one…is different. It forms, basically a book in its form - in that it contains all we would find in a literal book on this subject of embroidery.
Connecting with Nature
Mindful stitching and textile art through the seasons
Tilly Rose
Search Press
Lets begin with the look. It is a soft back, with around 126 pages.
I will use this review to be helpful to those who may consider purchasing it.
There is a helpful stitch diagram located near the back page.
Gel Plate Printing for Mixed-Media Art
Robyn McClendon
Schiffer Craft
As an artist who also practices in mixed-media, this book collided with interests close to my heart. Its a large book, thick and has a traditional hardcover with covering (approx 160 pages)
Nordic Hands: 25 Fiber Craft Projects to Discover Scandinavian Culture
Anita Osterhaug
Schiffer Publishing
This book is as mash up of the cultural historical and education, centred around the theme of all things Nordic. Within my review, I will outline some key points which require your attention on purchase.
Chloe Giordano
Needlepainted Woodland Animals
Exquisite embroidered art
Search Press
This, let me tell you in fine art adapted to thread. This is beauty, the natural world described so kindly, nurtured by the very loving soul of Giordano. I will however tell you now, that this book is a softcover updated version of the hardback 2019 published original.
This book may be mini in size, but in content it is sturdy. Learn simply how to create your own weaving work. Learn what weaving can be, for you personally. As a young art student, I looked at looms as an old persons hobby. Something done in the 1800s, while drowned in ones’ shawl.
Stitched Journeys with Birds
Inspiration to Let Your Creativity take Flight
Martha Sielman
Schiffer Craft
This is a book simply to look at and devour its visuals. In basic terms, it is a hand back collection of a mass of artists who have used birds as fuel to create. There are interviews, quotes and advice throughout from the artists. It is a reveal, to the secrets of the trade.
Mending with Boro
Japanese Running Stitch & Patching Techniques
Harumi Horiuchi
Tuttle Publishing
Boro has become a word known in our creative vocab. Why? More than just a passing phase, this method of repair is care, it is continuing, it is loving.
Kintsugi The Wabi Sabi Art Of Japanese Ceramic Repair
Kaori Mochinaga
Tuttle publishing
Most of us are aware of the now fashion to visibly mend our garments, especially related to wool varieties, the knitted jumper we wore so well, which now has a threadbare vibe.
Color Basics For Makers, Understanding The Rainbow
This may look like a small offering, sitting at under 80 pages in length. BUT, think about it - where would we be without colour? This book is ideal for students and those wanting to comprehend all the colour basics, values such as complementary shades, what the differences are between secondary, primary and tertiary colours….the author also unpicks the more complex parts surrounding colour play. Saturation, tone…it is all covered.
Nature Imprinted
A complete guide to lino printing with 10 nature-inspired designs
Jane Spink
Search Press
Spink guides us through the process of lino printing so well that there is no need to visit a studio to learn in person. There are ten projects, each built with developing instructions. Some are easier than another.
I read many titles which begin with the word embroidery. They are all a little different of course, however most are set in a certain form, we know much of what we are getting, before we open the cover as it were. This book by Yanase Rei alters that view. I believe it is due to her cultural setting. Yes I read many a book on repair by Japanese authors, they are wonderful at this topic area, yet I have not read as many which are subject related to embroidery itself.
The Handmade Spa Natural Soaps
Amelie Boue
Search Press
This french artist of the frothy clean squeak side, began with a base of biology, which moved onto birds…which then launched into natural soaps. I really enjoyed learning the building methods, the make up and chemistry of her creations, which could be ours if we just try.
The Handmade Spa Natural Cosmetics
Sara Dumenil
Search Press
‘Indulge’, that word lives in more than just the additional subtitle of this book. The author, let me tell you straight away, is very much the person to trust when it comes to all our skincare concerns. She is a naturopath and has a successful business in skin. So this is no unpracticed offering of information which may or may not work. As someone who has had a past reason to be very strict when it came to natural x organic etc products, this tilte got me excited.
Beginners Guide to Cyanotype
Beautiful projects to print with light
Kim Tillyer
Search Press
I remember experimenting with this method during my degree studies, but it never occurred to me what materials could be used. I was very stuck on the fabric side of things, yet this title pushes this medium into a number of projects. Imagine necklaces, (using this technique on the hard surface of clay), lampshades….oh and yes fabric.
Pom-Pom Forest Animals
Susanne Pypke
Stash Press (C&T Publishing)
Previously I reviewed another title by this same artist and author, on another pom-pom theme - birds. Now she has turned her attention to all the more furry than feather finds, the creatures who live amongst us, yet not generally with us.
Pom-Pom Birds
Susanne Pupke
Stash Books (imprint of C&T publishing)
As a child, did you ever dabble with wool? If so, you may have learned how to make a simple pom-pom. Most of us only challenged a colour choice, never the shape or what a pom-pom could be - become.
Styling Beyond Instagram
Take your Prop styling skills from the Square to the Street
Robin Zachary
Schiffer Publishing
As an artist, I seem to battle so many forks. Those who follow this path with me, know that yes a 9-5 career would have been so much more restful - but fulfilling? No. We cannot hope to be good at everything - we have to be our business start ups, funding, artist, writer, promoter… we teach within the arts? Do we write? Something is bound to be neglected.