The Essential Embroidery Stitches Card Deck

The Essential Embroidery Stitches Card Deck

Choose from 50 versatile stitches

Betty Barden

Search Press

You may wonder why I am reviewing a…lets put it out there - a deck of cards - yes - within my weekly book review column. This one…is different. It forms, basically a book in its form - in that it contains all we would find in a literal book on this subject of embroidery.

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Connecting with Nature

Connecting with Nature

Mindful stitching and textile art through the seasons

Tilly Rose

Search Press

Lets begin with the look. It is a soft back, with around 126 pages.

I will use this review to be helpful to those who may consider purchasing it.

There is a helpful stitch diagram located near the back page.

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Needles Out!

Needles Out!

BOHO Embroidery: Mixed Media Techniques

Nichole Vogelsinger

Lucky Spool publishing

Who is Nichole Vogelsinger?

She is art, she is pattern and yes, she is embroidery. Apparently she grew up with a mother who was a seamstress. She was not incline to learn, but adapted her textile was in the future via learning on her own terms, by herself - no course tried! Fibre arts was how she began, as it was simpler and more arty than technique based. She gained confidence and later began creating the body of work she is most known for - hoop embroidery. Now she has created and published this book all about this select area of textile art…

The book itself - the cover

I know this may sound negative, but the highlight for me was the book cover, I review so many books and most covers are so standard…softback, hardback, gloss or matt. That is about as exciting as it gets. I received this book in a plastic see-through wrapper, taking it off, I was treated with a surprise….the embroidery we view upon reading inside…has leaked to the outside…but in real feel value! So readers, when you get your copy..have a stroke!

What is it about?

All about the simple stitch types, all the hand embroidery stitches we see in any good embroidery book - yet set out in an arty pattern based manner. They are all separated, explained and illustrated in large images covering most pages. This is definitely a photo weighted book over as much text value - this gives it a universal simplicity.

Does it cover various techniques?

Yes. It is divided into chapters, they all explore a different taster of a practice, such as fabric painting in chapter five or needle felting in chapter six. This is no boring instruction manual on traditional embroidery stitches - they are all set out so artistically that it is just as much about the pattern they become as the stitch they may be made out of. This addition of other textile art techniques makes it extra edgy.

Final thoughts

This book has been written in a conversational manner by the artist themselves. I loved the title Needles Out! It is reminiscent of a famous film I loved recently….I will not retain its title here! But within the book itself, there and boxes titled Needles Down! - They give random information - tit bits of embroidery or not related bits and bobs. For example on page 111 we are greeted with a history of sequins, as the subsequent section fills us in on bead related ideas.

I loved the artists handwriting being published in real visual form throughout this book - I have found this a rare thing to behold - the embroidery stitch diagrams are also illustrated in hand drawn form; there are no computer based versions here. This gives the book a one off edge.

The finished embroidery hoops all have dedicated full length span images - the book is large in size anyway - so we will have no problem seeing each separate stitch and how it has been achieved.

Purchase your copy today through this link.

Nordic Hands

Nordic Hands: 25 Fiber Craft Projects to Discover Scandinavian Culture

Anita Osterhaug

Schiffer Publishing

This book is as mash up of the cultural historical and education, centred around the theme of all things Nordic. Within my review, I will outline some key points which require your attention on purchase.

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Needlepainted Woodland Animals

Chloe Giordano

Needlepainted Woodland Animals

Exquisite embroidered art

Search Press

This, let me tell you in fine art adapted to thread. This is beauty, the natural world described so kindly, nurtured by the very loving soul of Giordano. I will however tell you now, that this book is a softcover updated version of the hardback 2019 published original.

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Pocket Book Of Weaving

This book may be mini in size, but in content it is sturdy. Learn simply how to create your own weaving work. Learn what weaving can be, for you personally. As a young art student, I looked at looms as an old persons hobby. Something done in the 1800s, while drowned in ones’ shawl.

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Stitched Journeys with Birds

Stitched Journeys with Birds

Inspiration to Let Your Creativity take Flight

Martha Sielman

Schiffer Craft

This is a book simply to look at and devour its visuals. In basic terms, it is a hand back collection of a mass of artists who have used birds as fuel to create. There are interviews, quotes and advice throughout from the artists. It is a reveal, to the secrets of the trade.

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Color Basics For Makers

Color Basics For Makers, Understanding The Rainbow

Lee Chappell Monroe

C + T Publishing

This may look like a small offering, sitting at under 80 pages in length. BUT, think about it - where would we be without colour? This book is ideal for students and those wanting to comprehend all the colour basics, values such as complementary shades, what the differences are between secondary, primary and tertiary colours….the author also unpicks the more complex parts surrounding colour play. Saturation, tone…it is all covered.

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Nature Imprinted

Nature Imprinted

A complete guide to lino printing with 10 nature-inspired designs

Jane Spink

Search Press

Spink guides us through the process of lino printing so well that there is no need to visit a studio to learn in person. There are ten projects, each built with developing instructions. Some are easier than another.

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Embroidery Garden

I read many titles which begin with the word embroidery. They are all a little different of course, however most are set in a certain form, we know much of what we are getting, before we open the cover as it were. This book by Yanase Rei alters that view. I believe it is due to her cultural setting. Yes I read many a book on repair by Japanese authors, they are wonderful at this topic area, yet I have not read as many which are subject related to embroidery itself.

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The Handmade Spa Natural Soaps

The Handmade Spa Natural Soaps

Amelie Boue

Search Press

This french artist of the frothy clean squeak side, began with a base of biology, which moved onto birds…which then launched into natural soaps. I really enjoyed learning the building methods, the make up and chemistry of her creations, which could be ours if we just try.

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The Handmade Spa Natural Cosmetics

The Handmade Spa Natural Cosmetics

Sara Dumenil

Search Press

‘Indulge’, that word lives in more than just the additional subtitle of this book. The author, let me tell you straight away, is very much the person to trust when it comes to all our skincare concerns. She is a naturopath and has a successful business in skin. So this is no unpracticed offering of information which may or may not work. As someone who has had a past reason to be very strict when it came to natural x organic etc products, this tilte got me excited.

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Beginners Guide to Cyanotype

Beginners Guide to Cyanotype

Beautiful projects to print with light

Kim Tillyer

Search Press

I remember experimenting with this method during my degree studies, but it never occurred to me what materials could be used. I was very stuck on the fabric side of things, yet this title pushes this medium into a number of projects. Imagine necklaces, (using this technique on the hard surface of clay), lampshades….oh and yes fabric.

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Pom-Pom Forest Animals

Pom-Pom Forest Animals

Susanne Pypke

Stash Press (C&T Publishing)

Previously I reviewed another title by this same artist and author, on another pom-pom theme - birds. Now she has turned her attention to all the more furry than feather finds, the creatures who live amongst us, yet not generally with us.

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Pom-Pom Birds

Pom-Pom Birds

Susanne Pupke

Stash Books (imprint of C&T publishing)

As a child, did you ever dabble with wool? If so, you may have learned how to make a simple pom-pom. Most of us only challenged a colour choice, never the shape or what a pom-pom could be - become.

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Fantastic Felted Cats

Fantastic Felted Cats

A Guide to Making Kitten Figures

Housetsu Sato

Tuttle Publishing

This book focuses on the feline, guiding readers through every stage to create felted cat figurines. Each project has a numbered step by step pattern to follow with related imagery. This book contains all the templates too.

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Sew Lingerie

Sew Lingerie

Maddie Kulig

Stash Books

Maybe you have thought about making your own clothes; the usual skirts, dresses….have you thought about what lies beneath? At times, finding something to fit can be a nightmare, the too tight knickers….do not try to pretend you have never had a disaster that way.

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